In the academic, educational and political activities of the theologian and religious educator, Martin Jäggle, one of the chief concerns is to help build a 'culture of recognition'. In his research, he seeks to give a voice to those who are not given a voice in matters of education and schooling, society, politics, religion and the church. By entering into dialogue with key texts of Martin Jäggle, scholars from different disciplines - particularly Catholic, Protestant and Islamic religious education, education, political science, social ethics, religious studies, philosophy and theology - develop perspectives that can open up the way to an interdisciplinary theory of the culture of recognition.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Theaterstraße 13
DE 37073 Göttingen
Dr. Thomas Krobath, ev. Theologe, ist Organisationsentwicklungsberater sowie Vizerektor der Kirchlichen Pädagogischen Hochschule Wien/Krems. Prof. Dr. Andrea Lehner-Hartmann lehrt am Institut für Praktische Theologie der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Wien. Dr. Regina Polak ist Assoziierte Professorin am Institut für Praktische Theologie an der Kath.-Theologischen Fakultät (Universität Wien).