InhaltsangabeCHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING AND REACTOR TYPES Principles of Chemical Reaction Engineering Biochemical Engineering Reaction Engineering in Metallurgical Processing Model Reactors and Their Design Equations Bubble Columns Chromatographic Reactors Electrochemical Reactors FixedBed Reactors FluidizedBed Reactors Membrane Reactors Metallurgical Furnaces Microalgae Reactors Microprocess Technology Microreactors, Modelling and Simulation Reactive Distillation Stirred Tank Reactors ThinFilm Reactors ThreePhase TrickleBed Reactors Tubular Reactors ENERGY MANAGEMENT Energy Management in Chemical Industry Pinch Technology Combustion PROCESS DEVELOPMENT AND INTENSIFICATION Process Development, 1. Fundamentals and Standard Course Process Development, 2. Evaluation Process Intensification, 1. Fundamentals and Molecular Level Process Intensification, 2. Phase Level Process Intensification, 3. Process Unit Level Process Intensification, 4. Plant Level PLANT AND PROCESS SAFETY Introduction Hazardous Materials and Process Conditions Occupational Hazards and Personnel Protection Chemical Process Safety Regulations Engineered Safety Measures Risk Analysis Risk Calculations Management of Safety in the Petrochemical and Oil Industry Risk Communication
Wiley-VCH GmbH
Boschstrasse 12
DE 69469 Weinheim
Selected by the ULLMANN'S editorial team, this handbook contains contributions by internationally acknowledged authors from the chemical industry (BASF, Bayer, Cognis, ICI, Lurgi, Sasol, and others) as well as from leading research institutions (University of Birmingham, Clausthal Technical University, Darmstadt Technical University, Hamburg Technical University, University of Melbourne, University of Twente, University of Vienna, and others).