For ten years now the building typology townhouse is playing a central role in the actual debate of urban building, not only in Germany. In this new volume of our series Construction and Design Manual the author Hans Stimmann, former Director of Urban Development in Berlin, resumes critically about political strategies, theoretical concepts and the origins of townhouse architecture in Berlin. For this purpose he analyses 50 realised examples of townhouses, from a town planning viewpoint. Detailed scale plans and photos, showing the house in an urban-planning context, completing this manual.
DOM publishers
Dr. Philipp Meuser
Caroline-von-Humboldt-Weg 20
DE 10117 Berlin
Hans Stimmann, born in Lübeck, 1941. After completing an apprenticeship as a mason, he studied architecture, urban and regional planning in Lübeck. Published numerous works on architecture, urban planning and urban development, with emphasis on Berlin. Former Director of Urban Development and Honorary Professor at the Institute for Urban Design at the TU Dortmund.