Secure the success of your family business - by means of a proper owner strategy. The owners are an important aspect of the organizational structure of any family business. Family businesses have to deal with questions of ownership as professionally as they deal with the corporate strategy. This is the only way to guarantee the future of the company. The owner strategy is the key. Peter May is one of the leading experts on family businesses and a pioneer in the field of strategic consulting for family business owners. He has already described the theoretical foundation of owner strategies in his fundamental book, "Erfolgsmodell Famillienunternehmen" ("The Successful Family Business Model"). The book at hand, however, goes one significant step further: It contains the first complete and coherent description of how to develop an owner strategy. It is therefore the first focused and fully functional guide that owner families and family businesses can use to tailor a custom owner strategy and hence take the vital step from theory to practice.
Murmann Publishers GmbH
Schopenstehl 15
DE 20095 Hamburg
Peter May ist einer der führenden Experten für Familienunternehmen und berät einige der bedeutendsten Unternehmerfamilien Deutschlands. Der Gründer der INTES Akademie für Familienunternehmen in Bonn ist Jurist und Ökonom und lehrt als Honorarprofessor an der WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar. Unter seiner Federführung entstand u.a. der Governance Kodex für Familienunternehmen. Alle Titel: Die Inhaberstrategie im Familienunternehmen Vorbilder für Deutschland Erfolgsmodell Familienunternehmen