New and exciting information for indoors and out Karin Joachim How to best prepare your puppy for its future life as a model family dog Everything that the puppy needs to (get to) know Puppy socialisation as a matter of course With many fascinating environmental tips for both indoors and out With valuable training tips Whether encounters with other dogs, vacuum cleaners or posties, find out how your puppy can manage everyday situations safely and optimally, with your help. The author shows how you can gain your puppys trust and make it feel secure. Learn how to introduce it carefully to something new and give it self-confidence, but also how you can set appropriate boundaries.
Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG
Matthias Ulmer
Wollgrasweg 41
DE 70599 Stuttgart
Karin Joachim schreibt als freie Autorin regelmäßig für diverse Hundezeitschriften. Mehrere Jahre lang beriet sie Hundehalter zu den Schwerpunktthemen Kommunikation Mensch/Hund, Welpensozialisation und Junghundeerziehung.