Modem materials science is exploiting novel tools of solid-state physics and chemistry to obtain an unprecedented understanding of the structure of matter at the atomic level. The direct outcome of this understanding is the ability to design and fabricate new materials whose properties are tailored to a given device ap plication. Although applications of materials science can range from low weight, high strength composites for the automobile and aviation industry to biocompat ible polymers, in no other field has progress been more strikingly rapid than in that of electronic materials. In this area, it is now possible to predict from first principles the properties of hypothetical materials and to construct artificially structured materials with layer-by-Iayer control of composition and microstruc ture. The resulting superlattices, multiple quantum wells, and high temperature superconductors, among others, will dominate our technological future. A large fraction of the current undergraduate and graduate students in science and engi neering will be directly involved in furthering the revolution in electronic mate rials. With this book, we want to welcome such students to electronic materials research and provide them with an introduction to this exciting and rapidly de veloping area of study. A second purpose of this volume is to provide experts in other fields of solid state physics and chemistry with an overview of contemporary research within the field of electronic materials.
Springer Verlag GmbH
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DE 69121 Heidelberg
Inhaltsangabe1. Introduction.- References.- 2. The Simplest Ab Initio Theory of Electronic Structure.- 2.1 Tight-Binding Theory.- 2.2 Universal Parameters.- 2.3 A Diatomic Molecule, N2.- 2.4 A Simplification Using Hybrids.- 2.5 Cohesion of N2.- 2.6 Polarizability of N2.- 2.7 Tetrahedral Semiconductor Bonds.- 2.8 Semiconductor Energy Bands.- 2.9 Cohesion in Semiconductors.- 2.10 The Dielectric Properties.- 2.11 Ionic Crystals.- 2.12 Covalency in Ionic Compounds.- 2.13 Transition-Metal Compounds.- 2.14 Summary.- References.- 3. Theory of Electronic Excitations in Solids.- 3.1 Quasiparticle Theory of Electron Excitations.- 3.2 Band Gaps and Excitation Spectra of Bulk Crystals.- 3.3 Surfaces, Interfaces, Superlattices, and Clusters.- 3.4 Model Dielectric Matrix.- 3.5 Summary and Conclusions.- References.- 4. Determination of the Electronic Structure of Solids.- 4.1 Band Mapping with Photoemission and Inverse Photoemission.- 4.2 Understanding Semiconductors from First Principles.- 4.3 Magnetic Storage and Thin Film Magnetism.- 4.4 Optoelectronics and Excited State Spectroscopy.- 4.5 Spatial Resolution.- 4.6 Packaging, Polymers, and Core Levels.- 4.7 Summary.- References.- 5. Predicting the Properties of Solids, Clusters and Superconductors.- 5.1 Background.- 5.2 Surfaces and Interfaces.- 5.3 Total Energies and Structural Properties.- 5.4 Compressibilities and Empirical Theories.- 5.5 Metallic Clusters.- 5.6 Superconductivity.- 5.7 Conclusions.- References.- 6. High-Temperature Superconductivity: The Experimental Situation.- 6.1 Structural and Chemical Nature of the New Materials.- 6.2 The Superconducting State: Macroscopic Properties.- 6.3 Microscopic Superconducting Properties.- 6.3.1 Pairing.- 6.3.2 Pairing Mechanism.- 6.4 Theoretical Considerations and Discussion.- References.- 7. Surface Structure and Bonding of Tetrahedrally Coordinated Compound Semiconductors.- 7.1 Key Concepts in Semiconductor Surface Chemistry.- 7.2 Zincblende (110) Surfaces.- 7.3 Wurtzite Cleavage Surfaces.- 7.3.1 Wurtzite (10 $$\bar 1$$ 10). 7.3.2 Wurtzite (11 $$\bar 2$$ 20). 7.4 Adsorption on Zincblende (110) Surfaces. 7.4.1 Epitaxically Constrained Adsorbate Bonding. 7.4.2 ProcessDependent Bonding: Reactive Chemisorption. 7.5 Synopsis. References. 8. Formation and Properties of MetalSemiconductor Interfaces. 8.1 Experimental Techniques and Analysis. 8.1.1 Photoelectron Spectroscopy. 8.1.2 Experimental Procedures. 8.1.3 Samples and Deposition Procedures. 8.1.4 CoreLevel Lineshape Analysis. 8.2 Interface Formation at 300 K. 8.2.1 Co/GaAs. 8.2.2 Reactive Interfaces. 8.2.3 Au IIIV Interfaces. 8.3 LowTemperature Interface Formation. 8.3.1 Ti/GaAs(110). 8.3.2 Co/GaAs(110). 8.3.3 Ag/GaAs(110). 8.4 Surface Photovoltaic Effects. 8.4.1 Dependence of Band Bending on Temperature and Bulk Dopant Concentration. 8.4.2 Photoemission from Metallic Dots. 8.5 Interface Formations with Metal Ions. 8.5.1 Ag/ZnSe(100). 8.5.2 In/GaAs(110) and Ag/InP(110). 8.6 Interfaces Formed by Metal Cluster Deposition. 8.6.3 Cluster Morphology. 8.6.4 Cluster Metallicity and Substrate Modification. 8.6.5 ClusterInduced Band Bending. 8.7 Prospects and Future Developments. References. 9. Electronic States in Semiconductor Superlattices and Quantum Wells: An Overview. 9.1 EnvelopeFunction Description of Electronic States. 9.1.1 Generalities. 9.1.2 Discussion of the EnvelopeFunction Approximation. 9.1.3 Examples of Results. a) GaAsA1xGa1x As. b) InAsGaSb Superlattices and Quantum Wells. c) CdTeHgTe Superlattices. 9.2 External Fields. 9.2.1 Generalities. 9.2.2 Electric Fields. 9.2.3 Landau Levels: Perpendicular Fields. 9.2.4 Landau Levels: Parallel Fields. 9.3 Excitons in Quantum Wells. References. 10. Photonic and Electronic Devices Based on Artificially Structured Semiconductors. 10.1 Resonant Tunneling Bipolar Transistors with a Double Barrier in the Base. 10.1.1 Design Considerations for RTBTs with Ballistic Injection. 10.1.2 QuasiBallis