Preface xiii
1 Face RecognitionBased Surveillance System: A New Paradigm for Criminal Profiling 1
Payal Singh, Sneha Gupta, Vipul Gupta, Piyush Kuchhal and Arpit Jain
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Image Processing 6
1.3 Deep Learning 7
1.3.1 Neural Network 9
1.3.2 Application of Neural Network in Face Recognition 10
1.4 Methodology 10
1.4.1 Face Recognition 10
1.4.2 Open CV 11
1.4.3 Block Diagram 11
1.4.4 Essentials Needed 12
1.4.5 Website 12
1.4.6 Hardware 12
1.4.7 Procedure 12
1.5 Conclusion 16
References 17
2 Smart Healthcare Monitoring System: An IoT-Based Approach 19
Paranjeet Kaur
2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Healthcare at Clinics 21
2.3 Remote Healthcare 21
2.4 Technological Framework 21
2.5 Standard UIs, Shows, and User Requirements 23
2.5.1 Advantages 23
2.5.2 Application 23
2.6 Cloud-Based Health Monitoring Using IoT 24
2.7 Information Acquisition 24
2.8 The Processing of Cloud 25
2.9 IoT-Based Health Monitoring Using Raspberry Pi 25
2.10 IoT-Based Health Monitoring Using RFID 26
2.10.1 Sensor Layer 27
2.10.2 Network Layer 28
2.10.3 Service Layer 28
2.11 Arduino and IoT-Based Health Monitoring System 28
2.12 IoT-Based Health Monitoring System Using ECG Signal 29
2.12.1 System Model 30
2.12.2 Framework 30
2.13 IoT-Based Health Monitoring System Using Android App 31
2.13.1 Transferring the Information to the Cloud 33
2.13.2 Application Controls 33
2.14 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 33
References 34
3 Design of Gesture-Based Hand Gloves Using Arduino UNO: A Grace to Abled Mankind 37
Harpreet Singh Bedi, Dekkapati Vinit Raju, Nandyala Meghanath Reddy C. Partha Sai Kumar and Mandla Ravi Varma
3.1 Introduction 38
3.1.1 Block Diagram 38
3.1.2 The Proposed New Design 39
3.1.3 Circuit Diagram 40
3.2 Result and Discussion 40
3.2.1 Data Analysis 41
3.3 Conclusion 41
3.4 Future Scope 42
References 42
4 Playing With Genes: A Pragmatic Approach in Genetic Engineering 45
Prerna Singh and Dolly Sharma
4.1 Introduction 46
4.2 Literature Review 47
4.3 Methodology 48
4.3.1 Plasmid Method 48
4.3.2 The Vector Method 49
4.3.3 The Biolistic Method 49
4.4 Food and Agriculture 50
4.5 Impact on Farmers 53
4.6 Diseases: Gene Editing and Curing 54
4.7 Conclusion 56
4.8 Future Scope 56
References 57
5 Digital Investigative Model in IoT: Forensic View 59
Suryapratap Ray and Tejasvi Bhatia
5.1 Introduction 59
5.1.1 Artificial Neural Network 60
5.2 Application of AI for Different Purposes in Forensic Science 61
5.2.1 Artificial Intelligence for Drug Toxicity and Safety 61
5.2.2 Crime Scene Reconstruction 62
5.2.3 Sequence or Pattern Recognition 62
5.2.4 Repositories Building 63
5.2.5 Establishment of Connection Among the Investigating Team 63
5.2.6 Artificial Intelligence and Expert System in Mass Spectrometry 63
5.2.7 AI in GPS Navigation 65
5.3 Future of AI 66
5.4 Challenges While Implementing AI 67
5.4.1 Unexplainability of AI 67
5.4.2 AI Anti-Forensics 67
5.4.3 Connection Interruption Between the Cyber Forensics and AI Communities 67
5.4.4 Data Analysis and Security 68
5.4.5 Creativity 68
5.5 Conclusion 68
References 69
6 Internet of Things Mobility Forensics 73
Shipra Rohatgi, Aman Sharma and Bhavya Sharma
6.1 Introduction 74
6.2 Smart Device and IoT 75
6.3 Relation of Internet of Things with Mobility Forensics 76
6.3.1 Cyber Attack on IoT Data 77
6.3.2 Data Recovery from IoT Devices 78
6.3.3 Scenario-Based Analysis of IoT Data as Evidence 79
6.4 Mobility Forensics IoT Investigation Model 80
6.5 Internet of Things Mobility Forensics: A Source of Information 82
6.6 Drawbacks in IoT Devices Data Extraction 82
6.7 Future Perspective of Internet of Things Mobility Forensics 84
6.8 Conclusion 84
References 85
7 A Generic Digital Scientific Examination System for Internet of Things 87
Shipra Rohatgi and Sakshi Shrivastava
7.1 Introduction 88
7.2 Internet of Things 89
7.3 IoT Architecture 91
7.4 Characteristics of IoT 92
7.5 IoT Security Challenges and Factors of Threat 94
7.5.1 Effects of IoT Security Breach 95
7.6 Role of Digital Forensics in Cybercrime Investigation for IoT 96
7.6.1 IoT in Digital Forensic 96
7.6.2 Digital Forensics Investigation Framework for IoT Devices 98
7.6.3 Road Map for Issues in IoT Forensics 99
7.7 IoT Security Steps 102
7.7.1 How to Access IoT Security 103
7.8 Conclusion 107
References 108
8 IoT Sensors: Security in Network Forensics 111
D. Karthika
8.1 Introduction 111
8.2 Cybersecurity Versus IoT Security and Cyber-Physical Systems 112
8.3 The IoT of the Future and the Need to Secure 114
8.3.1 The FutureCognitive Systems and the IoT 114
8.4 Security Engineering for IoT Development 115
8.5 Building Security Into Design and Development 115
8.6 Security in Agile Developments 116
8.7 Focusing on the IoT Device in Operation 117
8.8 Cryptographic Fundamentals for IoT Security Engineering 118
8.8.1 Types and Uses of Cryptographic Primitives in the IoT 118 Encryption and Decryption 119 Symmetric Encryption 120 Asymmetric Encryption 121 Hashes 122 Digital Signatures 123 Symmetric (MACS) 123 Random Number Generation 124 Cipher Suites 125
8.9 Cloud Security for the IoT 125
8.9.1 Asset/Record Organization 126
8.9.2 Service Provisioning, Billing, and Entitlement Management 126
8.9.3 Real-Rime Monitoring 126
8.9.4 Sensor Coordination 127
8.9.5 Customer Intelligence and Marketing 127
8.9.6 Information Sharing 127
8.9.7 Message Transport/Broadcast 128
8.10 Conclusion 128
References 129
9 Xilinx FPGA and Xilinx IP Cores: A Boon to Curb Digital Crime 131
B. Khaleelu Rehman, G. Vallathan, Vetriveeran Rajamani and Salauddin Mohammad
9.1 Introduction 132
9.2 Literature Review 132
9.3 Proposed Work 132
9.4 Xilinx IP Core Square Root 136
9.5 RTL View of the 8-Bit Multiplier 140
9.5.1 Eight-Bit Multiplier Simulation Results Using IP Core 144
9.6 RTL View of 8-Bit Down Counter 145
9.6.1 Eight-Bit Down Counter Simulation Results 145
9.7 Up/Down Counter Simulation Results 149
9.8 Square Root Simulation Results 150
9.9 Hardware Device Utilization Reports of Binary Down Counter 154
9.10 Comparison of Proposed and Existing Work for Binary Up/Down Counter 156
9.10.1 Power Analysis of Binary Up/Down Counter 159
9.11 Conclusion 160
References 160
10 Human-Robot Interaction: An Artificial Cognition-Based Study for Criminal Investigations 163
Deepansha Adlakha and Dolly Sharma
10.1 Introduction 164
10.1.1 Historical Background 165
10.2 Methodology 167
10.2.1 Deliberative Architecture and Knowledge Model 167 Natural Mind 168 Prerequisites for Developing the Mind of the Social Robots 169 Robot Control Paradigms 169
10.3 Architecture Models for Robots 170
10.4 Cognitive Architecture 171
10.4.1 Taxonomy of Cognitive Architectures 172 Symbolic Architectures 172 The Emergent or the Connectionist Architecture 173 The Hybrid Architecture 173
10.4.2 Cognitive Skills 173 Emotions 173 Dialogue for Socially Interactive Communication 175 Memory in Social Robots 178 Learning 180 Perception 181
10.5 Challenges in the Existing Social Robots and the Future Scopes 187
10.5.1 Sensors Technology 187
10.5.2 Understanding and Learning from the Operator 187
10.5.3 Architectural Design 188
10.5.4 Testing Phase 189
10.5.5 Credible, Legitimate, and Social Aspects 189
10.5.6 Automation in Digital Forensics 190
10.6 Conclusion 190
10.7 Robots in Future Pandemics 194
References 194
11 VANET: An IoT Forensic-Based Model for Maintaining Chain of Custody 199
Manoj Sindhwani, Charanjeet Singh and Rajeshwar Singh
11.1 Introduction 200
11.2 Cluster Performance Parameters 201
11.3 Routing Protocols in VANET 202
11.3.1 Performance Metrics 202
11.3.2 Proposed Cluster Head Selection Algorithm 203
11.4 Internet of Vehicles 205
11.5 IoT Forensic in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 206
11.6 Conclusion 207
References 207
12 Cognitive Radio Networks: A Merit for Teleforensics 211
Yogita Thareja, Kamal Kumar Sharma and Parulpreet Singh
12.1 Introduction 212
12.1.1 Integration of WSN with Psychological Radio 213
12.1.2 Characteristics of Cognitive Radio 214
12.2 Contribution of Work 216
12.2.1 Push-to-Talk 218
12.2.2 Digital ForensicRadio Communication Equipment 219
12.2.3 Energy Harvesting Network 220
12.2.4 Challenges with the Use of Clusters in Cognitive Radio Networks 220
12.3 Conclusion and Future Scope 221
Acknowledgement 221
References 222
13 Fingerprint Image Identification System: An Asset for Security of Bank Lockers 227
Mahendra, Apoorva, Shyam, Pavan and Harpreet Bedi
13.1 Introduction 227
13.1.1 Design Analysis 230
13.2 Result and Discussion 231
13.3 Conclusion 232
13.4 Future Scope 234
References 235
14 IoT Forensics: Interconnection and Sensing Frameworks 237
Nidhi Sagarwal
14.1 Introduction 237
14.2 The Need for IoT Forensics 240
14.3 Various Types of Evidences Encountered 242
14.4 Protocols and Frameworks in IoT Forensics 242
14.5 IoT Forensics Process Model 243
14.6 Suggestive Solutions 248
14.7 Conclusion 249
References 249
15 IoT Forensics: A Pernicious Repercussions 255
Gift Chimkonda Chichele
15.1 Introduction: Challenges in IoT Forensics 255
15.2 Scope of the Compromise and Crime Scene Reconstruction 256
15.3 Device and Data Proliferation 256
15.4 Multiple Data Location and Jurisdiction Challenges 256
15.5 Device Type 257
15.6 Lack of Training and Weak Knowledge Management 257
15.7 Data Encryption 258
15.8 Heterogeneous Software and/or Hardware Specifications 258
15.9 Privacy and Ethical Considerations by Accessing Personal Data 258
15.10 Lack of a Common Forensic Model in IoT Devices 259
15.11 Securing the Chain of Custody 259
15.12 Lifespan Limitation 259
15.13 The Cloud Forensic Problem 259
15.14 The Minimum or Maximum Period in Which Data is Stored in the Cloud 260
15.15 Evidence Analysis and Correlation 260
15.16 Conclusion 260
References 262
About the Editors 263
Index 265