Selected Contents by Theme xi
Alphabetical List of Authors xxi
Chronology of Events and Poetic Landmarks xxii
Introduction xxv
Preface to Third Edition xxvii
Preface to Second Edition xxix
Editorial Procedures xxx
Text xxxi
Acknowledgements xxxii
John Pomfret (16671702) 1
The Choice 1
John Philips (16761709) 6
The Splendid Shilling 6
Sarah Fyge Egerton (16701723) 11
The Liberty 11
On my leaving London 13
To One who said I must not Love 14
The Emulation 15
Isaac Watts (16741748) 17
The Adventurous Muse 17
Ambrose Philips (16741749) 20
A Winter-Piece 20
Anne Finch (16611720) 22
The Spleen 22
Upon the Hurricane 26
A Nocturnal Rêverie 33
The Tree 35
To the Nightingale 36
A Sigh 37
To a Friend, in Praise of the Invention of Writing Letters 37
Glass 38
The Agreeable 39
To Mr Pope, in answer to a Copy of Verses 40
John Gay (16851732) 42
Friday; or, The Dirge 43
Trivia, Book II 47
The Man and the Flea 62
Thomas Parnell (16791718) 64
An Elegy, To an Old Beauty 64
A Night-Piece on Death 66
Oft have I read 68
Matthew Prior (16641721) 70
For His own Epitaph 71
An Epitaph 72
The Ladys Looking-Glass 73
Non Pareil 74
On a Pretty Madwoman 75
True Statesmen 76
Jonathan Swift (16671745) 78
A Description of the Morning 79
A Description of a City Shower 80
Stellas Birthday, 1719 81
Stellas Birthday, 1721 82
Stellas Birthday, 1727 84
A Satirical Elegy On the Death of a late Famous General 86
The Ladys Dressing Room 87
A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed 91
Strephon and Chloe 93
Verses on the Death of Dr Swift 100
Alexander Pope (16881744) 114
Windsor-Forest 115
The Rape of the Lock 126
Eloisa to Abelard 145
To Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington 154
An Epistle to a Lady 160
The First Satire of the Second Book of Horace Imitated 167
An Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot 172
An Essay on Man. Epistle I 183
The Dunciad, 1743, Book I 192
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (16891762) 204
Saturday. The Small-Pox 205
Epistle from Arthur Gray the Footman 208
Epistle from Mrs Y[onge] to her Husband 210
The Lover: A Ballad 213
An Epistle to Lord Bathurst 214
Verses Addressd to the Imitator of Horace (with Lord Hervey) 216
The Deans Provocation for Writing the Ladys Dressing-Room 219
Verses on Self-Murder 222
A Hymn to the Moon 223
Aaron Hill (16851750) 224
Bellaria, at her Spinnet 224
Whitehall Stairs 226
The Singing-Bird 227
Alone, in an Inn, at Southampton 229
Richard Savage (c.16971743) 231
The Bastard 231
Unconstant 234
Martha Fowke (16891736) 236
The Innocent Inconstant 236
The Invitation from a Country Cottage 237
On Lady Chudleigh 238
Clios Picture 239
On being charged with Writing incorrectly 241
A Letter to my Love.All alone, past 12, in the Dumps 242
James Thomson (17001748) 245
Winter. A Poem (1726) 246
Spring 256
John Dyer (16991757) 283
Grongar Hill 283
The Fleece, Book III 287
Stephen Duck (1705?1756) 304
The Threshers Labour 305
Mary Collier (1688?1762) 312
The Womans Labour 312
Sarah Dixon (16711765) 318
Strephon to the River 318
The Returnd Heart 319
To the Muse 319
From a Sheet of Gilt Paper. To Cloe 321
Lines Occasiond by the Burning of some Letters 323
Mary Barber (c.16851755) 324
To a Lady, who commanded me to send her an Account in Verse, how I succeeded in my Subscription 324
Written for my Son, and Spoken by him at his first putting on Breeches 328
The Conclusion of a Letter to the Rev. Mr C 330
Mehetabel Wright (16971750) 332
To an Infant Expiring the Second Day of its Birth 332
Wedlock: A Satire 333
Address to Her Husband 334
Anne Ingram (c.16961764) 337
An Epistle to Mr Pope. By a Lady. Occasioned by his Characters of Women 337
viii Contents (Short Titles)
Samuel Johnson (17091784) 341
London 341
The Vanity of Human Wishes 350
On the Death of Dr Robert Levet 359
Mary Jones (17071778) 361
An Epistle To Lady Bowyer 361
Of Desire. An Epistle to the Hon. Miss Lovelace 364
Elegy, On a favourite Dog, supposd to be poisond 368
After the Small Pox 370
Mary Leapor (17221746) 372
Dorinda at Her Glass 372
An Epistle to a Lady 375
The Enquiry 377
Man the Monarch 379
An Epistle to Artemisia 381
Upon her Play being returned to her, stained with Claret 385
Crumble-Hall 386
Miras Picture 391
Soto. A Character 393
Mark Akenside (17211770) 395
The Pleasures of Imagination, 1744, Book I 395
Thomas Gray (17161771) 412
Ode on the Spring 413
Sonnet on the Death of Richard West 414
Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College 415
Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat 417
Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard 419
The Progress of Poesy 423
The Bard 428
William Collins (17211759) 433
A Song from Shakespeares Cymbeline 433
Ode on the Poetical Character 435
Ode to Fear 437
Ode to Evening 440
Ode to Liberty 441
The Passions. An Ode for Music 446
Ode on the Death of Mr Thomson 449
Joseph Warton (17221800) 452
The Enthusiast: Or The Lover of Nature 452
Ode to Evening 459
The Dying Indian 460
Thomas Warton (17281790) 462
The Pleasures of Melancholy 462
Ode written at Vale-Royal Abbey in Cheshire 470
Sonnet: To the River Lodon 472
Prologue on the Old Winchester Playhouse, over the butchers shambles 473
Verses on Sir Joshua Reynoldss Painted Window 474
Robert Lloyd (17331764) 478
The Cits Country Box 478
Shakespeare: An Epistle to Mr Garrick 482
Charles Churchill (17311764) 487
Night 487
Christopher Smart (17221771) 497
My Cat Jeoffry 498
A Song to David 500
On a Bed of Guernsey Lilies 517
James Macpherson (17361796) 519
Fragments of Ancient Poetry: 7 and 8 519
Thomas Chatterton (17521770) 523
Mynstrelles Songe 523
Stay, curyous traveller 525
An Excelente Balade of Charitie 526
Oliver Goldsmith (1730?1774) 530
The Deserted Village 530
George Crabbe (17541832) 541
The Village, Book I 541
Ann Yearsley (17531806) 550
To Stella; on a Visit to Mrs Montagu 551
On Mrs Montagu 552
Clifton Hill 554
To Indifference 561
To Mr ****, an Unlettered Poet 562
Robert Burns (17591796) 565
The Rigs o Barley 566
To a Mouse 567
To a Louse 568
Holy Willies Prayer 570
Tam o Shanter 573
A Mans a Man for a That 578
Anna Seward (17421809) 581
Sonnet. To Honora Sneyd 581
Sonnet. To the Poppy 582
Colebrooke Dale 582
Anna Laetitia Barbauld (17431825) 586
Corsica 586
The Mouses Petition 592
A Summer Evenings Meditation 594
To Mr Barbauld 597
The Rights of Woman 598
To a little invisible Being 599
Washing-Day 600
To Mr Coleridge 603
William Cowper (17311800) 605
Hatred and Vengeance 606
The Poplar-Field 606
Epitaph on a Hare 607
The Task, Book I 609
The Negros Complaint 627
Yardley Oak 629
On the Ice-islands 634
The Cast-away 635
Mary Robinson (17581800) 638
Londons Summer Morning 638
The Poets Garret 639
The Birth-day 641
Bibliography 644
Index of Titles and First Lines 650
Selected Contents by Theme
Sarah Fyge Egerton, The Liberty 11
The Emulation 15
Anne Finch, The Spleen 22
To Mr Pope, in answer to a Copy of Verses 40
Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock 126
An Epistle to a Lady 160
Martha Fowke, On Lady Chudleigh 238
Mary Collier, The Womans Labour 312
Mary Barber, The Conclusion of a Letter to the Rev. Mr C 330
Anne Ingram, An Epistle to Mr Pope 337
Mary Jones, Of Desire 364
Mary Leapor, Man the Monarch 379
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, The Rights of Woman 598
Washing-Day 600
Anne Finch, The Agreeable 39
Thomas Parnell, An Elegy, To an Old Beauty 64
Jonathan Swift, Stellas Birthday, 1719 81
Stellas Birthday, 1721 82
The Ladys Dressing Room 87
A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed 91
Strephon and Chloe, 138 93
Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock, 1:12148, 2:128 126
An Epistle to a Lady 160
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Saturday. The Small-Pox 205
Martha Fowke, Clios Picture 239
Anne Ingram, An Epistle to Mr Pope 337
Samuel Johnson, The Vanity of Human Wishes, 31944 350
Mary Jones, After the Small Pox 370
Mary Leapor, Dorinda at Her Glass 372
Miras Picture 391
Mark Akenside, The Pleasures of Imagination, 1:271387 395
Robert Burns, To a Louse 568
Anna Seward, Sonnet. To the Poppy 582
Sarah Fyge Egerton, To One who said I must not Love 14
Anne Finch, A Sigh 37
Matthew Prior, The Ladys Looking-Glass 73
Alexander Pope, Eloisa to Abelard 145
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Epistle from Arthur Gray the Footman 210
The Lover: A Ballad 213
Aaron Hill, Whitehall Stairs 226
Richard Savage, Unconstant 234
Martha Fowke, The Innocent Inconstant 236
A Letter to my Love 242
James Thomson, Spring, 582630, 9831112 256
Sarah Dixon, Strephon to the River 318
The Returnd Heart 319
From a Sheet of Gilt Paper. To Cloe 321
Lines occasiond by the Burning of some Letters 323
Robert Burns, The Rigs o Barley 566
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, To Mr Barbauld 597
Matthew Prior, An Epitaph 72
Jonathan Swift, Strephon and Chloe 93
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Epistle from Mrs Y[onge] to her Husband 210
Aaron Hill, Alone, in an Inn, at Southampton 229
James Thomson, Spring, 111376. 256
Mary Barber, The Conclusion of a Letter to the Rev. Mr C 330
Mehetabel Wright, Wedlock: A Satire 333
Address to Her Husband 334
Robert Lloyd, The Cits Country Box 478
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, To Mr Barbauld 597
Mary Collier, The Womans Labour, 10520 312
Mary Barber, Written for my Son, and Spoken by him at his first putting on Breeches 328
The Conclusion of a Letter to the Rev. Mr C 330
Mehetabel Wright, To an Infant Expiring the Second Day of its Birth 332
Ann Yearsley, Clifton Hill, 6792 554
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, To a little invisible Being 599
Washing-Day 600
Anne Finch, To the Nightingale 36
John Gay, The Man and the Flea 62
Alexander Pope, Windsor-Forest, 43164 115
An Essay on Man, 1:7790, 173246 183
Aaron Hill, The Singing-Bird 227
James Thomson, Winter. A Poem, 21652 246
Spring, 336442 256
Mary Jones, Elegy, On a Favourite Dog, supposd to be poisond 368
Thomas Gray, Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat 417
Thomas Warton, Prologue on the Old Winchester Playhouse 473
Christopher Smart, my Cat Jeoffry 498
Robert Burns, To a Mouse 567
To a Louse 568
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, The Mouses Petition 592
William Cowper, Epitaph on a Hare 607
Selected Contents by Theme xiii
Ambrose Philips, A Winter-Piece 20
Anne Finch, Upon the Hurricane 26
A Nocturnal Rêverie 33
The Tree 35
Alexander Pope, Windsor-Forest 115
James Thomson, Winter. A Poem 246
Spring 256
John Dyer, Grongar Hill 283
Mary Leapor, The Enquiry 377
Thomas Gray, Ode on the Spring 413
William Collins, Ode to Evening 440
Joseph Warton, The Enthusiast: Or The Lover of Nature 452
Ode to Evening 459
Thomas Warton, Ode written at Vale-Royal Abbey in Cheshire 470
Thomas Chatterton, An Excelente Balade of Charitie 526
Ann Yearsley, Clifton Hill 554
Anna Seward, Colebrooke Dale 582
William Cowper, The Poplar-Field 606
The Task, 1:103454 609
Yardley Oak 629
On the Ice-islands 634
John Philips, The Splendid Shilling 6
John Gay, Trivia, Book II 47
Jonathan Swift, A Description of the Morning 79
A Description of a City Shower 80
Alexander Pope, The Dunciad, 1743, Book I 192
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Saturday. The Small-Pox 205
Aaron Hill, Whitehall Stairs 226
John Dyer, The Fleece, 3:224348 287
Samuel Johnson, London 341
Thomas Warton, Prologue on the Old Winchester Playhouse 473
Anna Seward, Colebrooke Dale, 4473 582
William Cowper, The Task, 1:678774 609
Mary Robinson, Londons Summer Morning 638
The Poets Garret 639
The Birth-day 641
John Pomfret, The Choice 1
Alexander Pope, Epistle to Burlington 154
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, An Epistle to Lord Bathurst 214
James Thomson, Spring, 90462 256
Samuel Johnson, London, 194223 341
Mary Leapor, Crumble-Hall 386
Robert Lloyd, The Cits Country Box 478
William Cowper, The Task, 1:21051 609
John Gay, Friday; or, The Dirge 43
Thomas Parnell, Oft have I read 68
Martha Fowke, The Invitation from a Country Cottage 237
John Dyer, The Fleece, Book III 287
Stephen Duck, The Threshers Labour 305
Mary Collier, The Womans Labour 312
Mary Leapor, Crumble-Hall 386
Thomas Gray, Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard 419
Oliver Goldsmith, The Deserted Village 530
George Crabbe, The Village, Book I 541
Ann Yearsley, Clifton Hill 554
Robert Burns, To a Mouse 567
Anne Finch, Upon the Hurricane 26
Mary Leapor, Crumble-Hall 386
Robert Lloyd, The Cits Country Box 478
Oliver Goldsmith, The Deserted Village 530
George Crabbe, The Village, Book I 541
Thomas Chatterton, An Excelente Balade of Charitie 526
Robert Burns, A Mans a Man for a That 578
Anna Seward, Colebrooke Dale 582
William Cowper, The Negros Complaint 627
Mary Robinson, The Birth-day 641
Anne Finch, A Nocturnal Rêverie 33
Thomas Parnell, A Night-Piece on Death 66
Alexander Pope, Eloisa to Abelard 145
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, A Hymn to the Moon 223
Martha Fowke, A Letter to my Love 242
Thomas Gray, Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard 419
William Collins, Ode to Evening 440
Joseph Warton, The Enthusiast: Or The Lover of Nature, 20032 452
Ode to Evening 459
Thomas Warton, The Pleasures of Melancholy 462
Ode written at Vale-Royal Abbey in Cheshire 470
Charles Churchill, Night 487
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, A Summer Evenings Meditation 594
Isaac Watts, The Adventurous Muse 17
Anne Finch, To the Nightingale 36
To Mr Pope, in answer to a Copy of Verses 40
Jonathan Swift, Verses on the Death of Dr Swift 100
Selected Contents by Theme xv
Alexander Pope, The First Satire of the Second Book of Horace Imitated 167
An Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot 172
The Dunciad, 1743, Book I 192
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Verses Addressd to the Imitator of Horace 216
Aaron Hill, The Singing-Bird 227
Martha Fowke, On Lady Chudleigh 238
On being charged with Writing incorrectly 241
Sarah Dixon, To the Muse 319
Mary Barber, To a Lady 324
Mary Leapor, An Epistle to Artemisia 381
Thomas Gray, The Progress of Poesy 423
The Bard 428
William Collins, Ode on the Poetical Character 435
Ode on the Death of Mr Thomson 449
Joseph Warton, The Enthusiast: Or The Lover of Nature 452
Robert Lloyd, Shakespeare: An Epistle to Mr Garrick 482
Ann Yearsley, To Mr ****, an Unlettered Poet 562
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, To Mr Coleridge 603
Mary Robinson, The Poets Garret 639
John Philips, The Splendid Shilling 6
Alexander Pope, The First Satire of the Second Book of Horace Imitated 167
An Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot 172
The Dunciad, 1743, Book I 192
Mary Barber, To a Lady 324
Samuel Johnson, London 341
The Vanity of Human Wishes, 7390 350
Mary Jones, An Epistle to Lady Bowyer 361
Mary Leapor, An Epistle to Artemisia 381
Upon her Play being returned to her, stained with Claret 385
Mary Robinson, The Poets Garret 639
Sarah Fyge Egerton, The Liberty 11
On my leaving London 13
To One who said I must not Love 14
Anne Finch, The Spleen 22
Matthew Prior, For His own Epitaph 71
Jonathan Swift, Verses on the Death of Dr Swift 100
Alexander Pope, An Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot 172
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Verses on Self-Murder 222
Richard Savage, The Bastard 231
Martha Fowke, A Letter to my Love 242
Stephen Duck, The Threshers Labour 305
Mary Collier, The Womans Labour 312
Sarah Dixon, To the Muse 319
Mehetabel Wright, Address to Her Husband 334
Mary Jones, An Epistle to Lady Bowyer 361
Mary Leapor, An Epistle to a Lady 375
An Epistle to Artemisia 381
Miras Picture 391
Thomas Gray, Sonnet on the Death of Richard West 414
Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard 419
Thomas Warton, Sonnet: To the River Lodon 472
Ann Yearsley, To Stella; on a Visit to Mrs Montagu 551
On Mrs Montagu 552
To Indifference 561
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, Washing-Day 600
William Cowper, The Task, 1:10380 609
Alexander Pope, Windsor-Forest 115
Aaron Hill, Alone, in an Inn, at Southampton 229
John Dyer, Grongar Hill 283
Mary Leapor, Crumble-Hall 386
Thomas Gray, Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College 415
The Progress of Poesy 423
The Bard 428
William Collins, Ode to Liberty 441
Thomas Warton, Ode written at Vale-Royal Abbey in Cheshire 470
Verses on Sir Joshua Reynoldss Painted Window 474
James Macpherson, Fragments of Ancient Poetry: 7 and 8 519
Thomas Chatterton, Mynstrelles Songe 523
Stay, curyous traveller 525
An Excelente Balade of Charitie 526
Oliver Goldsmith, The Deserted Village 530
Anna Seward, Colebrooke Dale 582
John Gay, Friday; or, The Dirge 43
Thomas Parnell, A Night-Piece on Death 66
Matthew Prior, For His own Epitaph 71
An Epitaph 72
Jonathan Swift, A Satirical Elegy On the Death of a late Famous General 86
Verses on the Death of Dr Swift 100
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Verses on Self-Murder 222
Aaron Hill, Alone, in an Inn, at Southampton 229
Martha Fowke, On Lady Chudleigh 238
Mehetabel Wright, To an Infant Expiring the Second Day of its Birth 332
Samuel Johnson, The Vanity of Human Wishes 350
On the Death of Dr Robert Levet 359
Mary Jones, Elegy, On a Favourite Dog, supposd to be poisond 368
Thomas Gray, Sonnet on the Death of Richard West 414
Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat 417
Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard 419
William Collins, A Song from Shakespeares Cymbeline 433
Ode on the Death of Mr Thomson 449
Joseph Warton, The Dying Indian 460
Thomas Chatterton, Mynstrelles Songe 523
Ann Yearsley, Clifton Hill, 7392 554
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, The Mouses Petition 592
William Cowper, Hatred and vengeance 606
Epitaph on a Hare 607
The Cast-away 635
Anne Finch, The Spleen 22
Matthew Prior, On a Pretty Madwoman 75
James Thomson, Spring, 10041112 256
William Collins, Ode to Fear 437
Ann Yearsley, Clifton Hill, 20696 554
To Indifference 561
William Cowper, The Task, 1:53456 609
Isaac Watts, The Adventurous Muse 17
Thomas Parnell, A Night-Piece on Death 66
Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock, Canto IV 126
Eloisa to Abelard 145
Aaron Hill, Bellaria, at her Spinnet 224
Martha Fowke, A Letter to my Love 242
James Thomson, Winter. A Poem, 253300 246
Mary Leapor, The Enquiry 377
Mark Akenside, The Pleasures of Imagination, 1:151221 395
Thomas Gray, Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College 415
The Bard 428
William Collins, Ode on the Poetical Character 435
Ode to Fear 437
The Passions. An Ode for Music 446
Joseph Warton, The Enthusiast: Or The Lover of Nature, 180252 452
Thomas Warton, The Pleasures of Melancholy 462
Christopher Smart, A Song to David 500
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, A Summer Evenings Meditation 594
To Mr Coleridge 603
Anne Finch, The Spleen 22
Jonathan Swift, The Ladys Dressing Room 87
Aaron Hill, Alone, in an Inn, at Southampton 229
James Thomson, Spring, 44379 256
Mark Akenside, The Pleasures of Imagination, Book I 395
William Collins, Ode on the Poetical Character 435
xviii Selected Contents by Theme
Thomas Warton, Ode written at Vale-Royal Abbey in Cheshire 470
Verses on Sir Joshua Reynoldss Painted Window 474
Sarah Fyge Egerton, The Liberty 11
Anne Finch, A Nocturnal Rêverie 33
Aaron Hill, The Singing-Bird 227
Richard Savage, The Bastard 231
Sarah Dixon, Lines occasiond by the Burning of some Letters 323
Thomas Gray, Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College 415
William Collins, Ode to Liberty 441
Charles Churchill, Night 487
Robert Burns, A Mans a Man for a That 578
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, Corsica 586
William Cowper, The Negros Complaint 627
Anne Finch, Upon the Hurricane 26
John Gay, The Man and the Flea 62
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man, Epistle I 183
James Thomson, Winter. A Poem 246
Spring, 55671, 849903 256
Mary Leapor, The Enquiry 377
Mark Akenside, The Pleasures of Imagination, 1:5678 395
Christopher Smart, A Song to David 500
On a Bed of Guernsey Lilies 517
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, A Summer Evenings Meditation 594
John Philips, The Splendid Shilling 6
Alexander Pope, Epistle to Burlington 154
Martha Fowke, The Invitation from a Country Cottage 237
Stephen Duck, The Threshers Labour 305
Mary Collier, The Womans Labour 312
Samuel Johnson, London 341
The Vanity of Human Wishes, 218 350
Robert Lloyd, The Cits Country Box 478
Thomas Chatterton, An Excelente Balade of Charitie 526
Oliver Goldsmith, The Deserted Village 530
George Crabbe, The Village, Book I 541
Robert Burns, A Mans a Man for a That 578
Mary Robinson, The Poets Garret 639
The Birth-day 641
Anne Finch, Glass 38
Jonathan Swift, A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed 91
Alexander Pope, Epistle to Burlington 154
Selected Contents by Theme xix
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, An Epistle to Lord Bathurst 214
Martha Fowke, The Invitation from a Country Cottage 237
Clios Picture 239
Mary Barber, Written for my Son, and Spoken by him at his first putting on Breeches 328
Joseph Warton, The Enthusiast: Or The Lover of Nature 452
Thomas Warton, Verses on Sir Joshua Reynoldss Painted Window 474
Robert Lloyd, The Cits Country Box 478
William Cowper, The Task, 1:40935 609
Anne Finch, The Agreeable 39
Matthew Prior, An Epitaph 72
Non Pareil 74
Jonathan Swift, A Satirical Elegy On the Death of a late Famous General 86
A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed 91
Verses on the Death of Dr Swift, 307484 100
Alexander Pope, An Epistle to a Lady 160
An Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot, 193214, 30533 172
The Dunciad, 1743, 1:10746 192
Aaron Hill, Bellaria, at her Spinnet 224
Richard Savage, Unconstant 234
Martha Fowke, The Innocent Inconstant 236
On Lady Chudleigh 238
Clios Picture 239
Samuel Johnson, The Vanity of Human Wishes, 99120, 191222 350
On the Death of Dr Robert Levet 359
Mary Jones, Of Desire, 35118 364
Mary Leapor, An Epistle to Artemisia 381
Miras Picture 391
Soto. A Character 393
Christopher Smart, My Cat Jeoffry 498
Oliver Goldsmith, The Deserted Village, 189218 530
George Crabbe, The Village, 1:184227, 276319 541
Ann Yearsley, Clifton Hill, 20696 554
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, Corsica, 10732 586
William Cowper, The Task, 1:53456, 63377 609
Anne Finch, To the Nightingale 36
Aaron Hill, Bellaria, at her Spinnet 224
Mark Akenside, The Pleasures of Imagination, 1:10938 395
Thomas Gray, The Progress of Poesy 423
William Collins, The Passions. An Ode for Music 446
Anne Finch, To a Friend, in Praise of the Invention of Writing Letters 37
Alexander Pope, Eloisa to Abelard 145
Epistle to Burlington 154
An Epistle to a Lady 160
xx Selected Contents by Theme
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Epistle from Arthur Gray the Footman 208
Epistle from Mrs Y[onge] to her Husband 210
An Epistle to Lord Bathurst 214
Martha Fowke, A Letter to my Love 242
Sarah Dixon, From a Sheet of Gilt Paper. To Cloe 321
Lines occasiond by the Burning of some Letters 323
Mary Barber, The Conclusion of a Letter to the Rev. Mr C 330
Mary Jones, An Epistle to Lady Bowyer 361
Of Desire 364
Mary Leapor, An Epistle to a Lady 375
An Epistle to Artemisia 381
Robert Lloyd, Shakespeare: An Epistle to Mr Garrick 482
Anne Finch, Upon the Hurricane 26
Matthew Prior, True Statesmen 76
Jonathan Swift, A Satirical Elegy On the Death of a late Famous General 86
Verses on the Death of Dr Swift, 299484 100
Alexander Pope, Windsor-Forest 115
Samuel Johnson, London 341
Thomas Gray, The Bard 428
William Collins, Ode to Liberty 441
Charles Churchill, Night 487
Oliver Goldsmith, The Deserted Village 530
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, Corsica 586
William Cowper, The Negros Complaint 627
Anne Finch, A Sigh 37
Matthew Prior, Non Pareil 74
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, A Hymn to the Moon 223
William Collins, A Song from Shakespeares Cymbeline 433
Thomas Chatterton, Mynstrelles Songe 523
Robert Burns, The Rigs o Barley 566