The best minds in positive psychology survey the state of the field
Positive Psychology in Practice, Second Edition moves beyond the theoretical to show how positive psychology is being used in real-world settings, and the new directions emerging in the field. An international team of contributors representing the best and brightest in the discipline review the latest research, discuss how the findings are being used in practice, explore new ideas for application, and discuss focus points for future research. This updated edition contains new chapters that explore the intersection between positive psychology and humanistic psychology, salugenesis, hedonism, and eudaimonism, and more, with deep discussion of how the field is integrating with the new areas of self-help, life coaching, social work, rehabilitation psychology, and recovery-oriented service systems.
This book explores the challenges and opportunities in the field, providing readers with the latest research and consensus on practical application.
Get up to date on the latest research and practice findingsIntegrate positive psychology into assessments, life coaching, and other therapiesLearn how positive psychology is being used in schoolsExplore possible directions for new research to push the field forward Positive psychology is being used in areas as diverse as clinical, counseling, forensic, health, educational, and industrial/organizational settings, in a wide variety of interventions and applications. Psychologists and other mental health professionals who want to promote human flourishing and well-being will find the second edition of
Positive Psychology in Practice to be an informative, comprehensive guide.
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xv
1 Applied Positive Psychology 10 Years On 1
Stephen Joseph
Part I Historical and Philosophical Foundations
2 Historical, Philosophical, and Epistemological Perspectives 9
Hilde Eileen Nafstad
3 Building Bridges Between Humanistic and Positive Psychology 31
Brent Dean Robbins
4 Existential Dimensions of Positive Psychology 47
Roger Bretherton
5 The Salutogenic Paradigm 61
Shifra Sagy, Monica Eriksson, and Orna Braun-Lewensohn
Part II Values and Choices In Pursuit of the Good Life
6 The Science of Values in the Culture of Consumption 83
Tim Kasser
7 Values and Well-Being 103
Lilach Sagiv, Sonia Roccas, and Shani Oppenheim-Weller
8 The Paradox of Choice 121
Barry Schwartz
9 A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on Fostering Healthy Self-Regulation From within and without 139
Kirk Warren Brown and Richard M. Ryan
10 The Complementary Roles of Eudaimonia and Hedonia and How They Can Be Pursued in Practice 159
Veronika Huta
Part III Practices for Health and Well-Being
11 The Prospects, Practices, and Prescriptions for the Pursuit of Happiness 185
Kristin Layous, Kennon M. Sheldon, and Sonja Lyubomirsky
12 Putting Positive Psychology Into Motion Through Physical Activity 207
Guy Faulkner, Kate Hefferon, and Nanette Mutrie
13 Balancing Time Perspective in Pursuit of Optimal Functioning 223
Ilona Boniwell and Philip G. Zimbardo
14 Putting Positive Psychology Into Practice via Self-Help 237
Acacia C. Parks
15 Positive Psychology and Life Coaching 249
Margarita Tarragona
Part IV Methods and Processes of Teaching and Learning
16 Different Approaches to Teaching Positive Psychology 267
Amy C. Fineburg and Andrew Monk
17 Positively Transforming Classroom Practice Through Dialogic Teaching 279
Alina Reznitskaya and Ian A. G. Wilkinson
18 Teaching Well-Being and Resilience in Primary and Secondary School 297
Chieko Kibe and Ilona Boniwell
19 Cultivating Adolescents Motivation 313
Reed W. Larson and Nickki Pearce Dawes
Part V Positive Psychology at Work
20 Bringing Positive Psychology to Organizational Psychology 329
Sarah Lewis
21 Improving Follower Well-Being with Transformational Leadership 341
Heather M. Clarke, Kara A. Arnold, and Catherine E. Connelly
22 Applications of Positive Approaches in Organizations 357
Jane Henry
23 Leadership Coaching and Positive Psychology 377
Carol Kauffman, Stephen Joseph, and Anne Scoular
Part VI Health, Clinical, Counseling, and Rehabilitation
24 Complementary Strengths of Health Psychology and Positive Psychology 393
John M. Salsman and Judith T. Moskowitz
25 Deconstructing the Illness Ideology and Constructing an Ideology of Human Strengths and Potential in Clinical Psychology 411
James E. Maddux and Shane J. Lopez
26 The Relationship Between Counseling Psychology and Positive Psychology 429
Andreas Vossler, Edith Steffen, and Stephen Joseph
27 Positive Psychology in Rehabilitation Psychology Research and Practice 443
Claudio Peter, Szilvia Geyh, Dawn M. Ehde, Rachel Müller, and Mark P. Jensen
Part VII Contexts of Clinical Practice
28 Clinical Applications of Well-Being Therapy 463
Chiara Ruini and Giovanni A. Fava
29 Strategies for Accentuating Hope 483
Jeana L. Magyar-Moe and Shane J. Lopez
30 Clinical Applications of Posttraumatic Growth 503
Richard G. Tedeschi, Lawrence G. Calhoun, and Jessica M. Groleau
31 Strength-Based Assessment 519
Tayyab Rashid
Part VIII Inner Resources and Positive Development Across the Life Span
32 The Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence 545
David R. Caruso, Peter Salovey, Marc Brackett, and John D. Mayer
33 The Power and Practice of Gratitude 559
Giacomo Bono, Mikki Krakauer, and Jeffrey J. Froh
34 Wisdom-Related Knowledge Across the Life Span 577
Ute Kunzmann and Stefanie Thomas
35 Positive Aging 595
George E. Vaillant
Part IX Building Community Through Integration and Regeneration
36 Psychological and Relational Resources in the Experience of Disability and Caregiving 615
Antonella Delle Fave, Andrea Fianco, and Raffaela D. G. Sartori
37 Good Lives and the Rehabilitation of Sex Offenders 635
Clare-Ann Fortune, Tony Ward, and Ruth Mann
38 Facilitating Forgiveness Using Group and Community Interventions 659
Frank D. Fincham
39 The Interface Between Positive Psychology and Social Work in Theory and Practice 681
Rachel Dekel and Orit TaubmanBen-Ari
40 Building Recovery-Oriented Service Systems Through Positive Psychology 695
Sandra G. Resnick and Meaghan A. Leddy
Part X Public Policy and Systems for Resilience and Social Planning
41 Balancing Individuality and Community in Public Policy 713
David G. Myers
42 Happiness as a Priority in Public Policy 731
Ruut Veenhoven
43 Positive Social Planning 751
Neil Thin
44 Resilience Theory and the Practice of Positive Psychology From Individuals to Societies 773
Tuppett M. Yates, Fanita A. Tyrell, and Ann S. Masten
Part XI Signposts for the Practice of Positive Psychology
45 The Role of Embodiment in Optimal Functioning 791
Kate Hefferon
46 The Uneasyand NecessaryRole of the Negative in Positive Psychology 807
Brian G. Pauwels
47 The Future of Positive Psychology in Practice 823
Stephen Joseph
About the Editor 829
Contributors 831
Author Index 835
Subject Index 859