Notes on Contributorsix
Part 1 Introduction 1
1 Tourism: Conceptualizations, Disciplinarity, Institutions, and Issues 3
C. Michael Hall, Allan M. Williams, and Alan A. Lew
Part 2 Perspectives on Tourism 25
Introduction: Perspectives on Tourism 27
Allan M. Williams
2 Tourist Flows and Spatial Behavior 33
Bob McKercher and Judit Zoltan
3 Tourism Motivations and Decision Making 45
Philip L. Pearce
4 Political Economy of Tourism: Regulation Theory, Institutions, and Governance Networks 55
Jan Mosedale
5 Cultural Geographies of Tourism 66
Mike Crang
6 Tourism Mobilities 78
Kevin Hannam
7 Critical Perspectives on Tourism 88
Freya Higgins-Desbiolles and Kyle Powys Whyte
Part 3 Producing Tourism and Tourism Spaces 99
Introduction: Producing Tourism and Tourism Spaces 101
Allan M. Williams
8 Economic Geographies of Tourism Revisited: From Theory to Practice 107
Dimitri Ioannides and Keith G. Debbage
9 Entrepreneurial Cultures and Small Business Enterprises in Tourism 120
Gareth Shaw
10 Labor Mobility and Labor Market Structures in Tourism 132
Adele Ladkin
11 Tourism and Development: From Development Theory to Globalization 143
David Harrison
12 Transport and Tourism 155
Stephen Page and Joanne Connell
13 Tourism Innovation: Products, Processes, and People 168
Allan M. Williams
14 Souvenirs, Tourists, and Tourism 179
Kristen Swanson
Part 4 Globalizing People, Places, and Markets in Tourism 189
Introduction: Globalizing People, Places, and Markets in Tourism 191
Alan A. Lew
15 Transnational Corporations and the Globalization of Tourism 197
Larry Dwyer
16 Problematizing Place Promotion and Commodification 210
Nigel Morgan
17 Urban Tourism and the Experience Economy 220
T.C. Chang and Shirlena Huang
18 Tourism and Creative Economies 230
Gordon Waitt and Chris Gibson
19 Mobilities, Ethnicity, and Tourism 240
Kevin Meethan
20 GPS, Smartphones, and the Future of Tourism Research 251
Noam Shoval, Michal Isaacson, and Prem Chhetri
21 New Territories in Information Technologies and Tourism Research 262
Mads Bødker and Ana María Munar
Part 5 Social Theories of Tourist Practice, Experience, and Landscapes Encounters 275
Introduction: Social Theories of Tourist Practice, Experience, and Landscapes Encounters 277
Alan A. Lew
22 Landscapes of Tourism 282
Theano S. Terkenli
23 Tourism After the Postmodern Turn 294
Claudio Minca and Tim Oakes
24 The Tourist Gaze 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 304
Jonas Larsen
25 Gender and Feminist Perspectives in Tourism Research 314
Annette Pritchard
26 Tourism and the Visual 325
Caroline Scarles
27 Speaking Heritage: Language, Identity, and Tourism 336
Lauren A. Hall-Lew and Alan A. Lew
28 Religion and Spirituality in Tourism 349
Michael Stausberg
Part 6 Tourist Attractions: Places, Spaces, and Forms 361
Introduction: Tourist Attractions: Places, Spaces, and Forms 363
Alan A. Lew
29 Material Culture and Contested Heritage in Tourism 368
Tim Winter
30 Trends in Tourism, Shopping, and Retailing 378
Dallen J. Timothy
31 Progress in Second-Home Tourism Research 389
Dieter K. Müller
32 Timing Tourism: MICE, Events, and Mega-Events 401
Donald Getz
33 Taking Stock of Sport Tourism Research 413
Tom Hinch, James Higham, and Stacy-Lynn Sant
34 Medical Tourism 425
Meghann Ormond
35 Gay and Lesbian Tourism Practices 435
Gustav Visser
Part 7 Tourism and The Environment: Change, Impacts, And Response 445
Introduction: Tourism and the Environment: Change, Impacts, and Response 447
C. Michael Hall
36 The Global Footprint of Tourism 454
Eke Eijgelaar and Paul Peeters
37 Climate-Change Implications for Tourism 466
Daniel Scott
38 Coastal and Marine Tourism: Emerging Issues, Future Trends, and Research Priorities 479
Mark B. Orams and Michael Lück
39 Sociocultural Resilience and Tourism 490
Debbie Hopkins and Suzanne Becken
40 Tourism and Tourists in Nature, National Parks, and Wilderness 500
Jarkko Saarinen
41 Exploring the Precautionary Principle in an Environment and Tourism Context 513
David A. Fennell
42 The Sustainable Development of Tourism: A State-of-the-Art Perspective 524
David Weaver
Part 8 Tourism Policies, Planning, and Governance 535
Introduction: Tourism Policies, Planning, and Governance 537
C. Michael Hall
43 Tourism and Public Policy: Contemporary Debates and Future Directions 542
John M. Jenkins, C. Michael Hall, and Muchazondida Mkono
44 Local Participation in Community Tourism: A Critical and Relational Assessment 556
Bill Bramwell
45 Partnerships, Tourism, and Community Impacts 567
María José Zapata Campos
46 Tourism in the Development of Regional and Sectoral Innovation Systems 578
Adi Weidenfeld and C. Michael Hall
47 Critical Success Factors for Creating Community-Based Tourism 589
Amran Hamzah
48 Strengthening TourismPoverty Linkages 600
Christian M. Rogerson
49 Tourism Crises and Disasters: Moving the Research Agenda Forward 61
Brent W. Ritchie, Judith Mair, and Gabby Walters
Part 9 Conclusions 623
50 Theoretical and Methodological Challenges for Tourism: Just Out of Sight or Just Within our Reach? 625
Allan M. Williams, C. Michael Hall, and Alan A. Lew
Index 635