A book that brings the habits of reading to life Great readers are not made by genetics or destiny but by the habits they build--habits that are intentionally built by their teachers. The early formal years of education are the key to reversing the reading gap and setting up children for success. But K-4 education seems to widen the gap between stronger and weaker readers, not close it. Today, the Common Core further increases the pressure to reach high levels of rigor. What can be done? This book includes the strategies, systems, and lessons from the top classrooms that bring the habits of reading to life, creating countless quality opportunities for students to take one of the most complex skills we as people can know and to perform it fluently and easily. * Offers clear teaching strategies for teaching reading to all students, no matter what level * Includes more than 40 video examples from real classrooms * Written by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, bestselling author of Driven by Data and Leverage Leadership Great Habits, Great Readers puts the focus on: learning habits, reading habits, guided reading, and independent reading. NOTE: Content DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase
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InhaltsangabeDVD Contents ix DVD Video Contents xiii Foreword xxi Acknowledgments xxiii About the Authors xxv About Uncommon Schools xxvii Introduction 1 PART 1 Set the Habits of Learning 23 Part 1 Introduction: The Fundamental Habits 25 1 Habits of the Classroom:Multiply Your Minutes 27 Setting Up the Room Habits of Effective Transitions Conclusion: From Socks to Success 2 Habits of Discussion: Change Student Talk, Change Student Thinking 45 The Power of Prompting Learning to Share Learning to Build Making the Habits Happen Conclusion: From Futsal to the ''Big Game'' PART 2 Teach the Skills of Reading 75 Part 2 Introduction: The Art of Targeted Teaching 77 3 What to Teach: Defining a RoadMap for Rigor 81 AssessmentCreate the Road Map for Rigor Selecting an Early Literacy Assessment Assessment Meets Curriculum Conclusion: Time to Begin the Journey 4 ReadAloud Lessons: Teachers Model for Success 103 Lesson Prework: Planning for Read-Aloud Lesson Introduction: Making it Clear and Making it Matter I Do: Modeling the Skill We Do: Practicing the Skill Check for Understanding: Make Sure Your Practice Was Good Practice Conclusion:What Great Reading Looks Like 5 Teaching Comprehension Skills: Stanza by Stanza 129 Lesson Prework: ''Teach the Reader'' Meets ''Teach the Text'' I Do: Modeling the Skill We Do: Practicing Together You Do: Making Independent Practice Sacred Conclusion: A First Taste of Independence 6 Teaching Phonics: Greasing the Wheel 145 Choosing the Wheel: Make Sure It's a Round One Greasing the Wheel: Three Ways to Make Phonics Spin Faster Conclusion: Phonics and Foundations PART 3 Build the Habits of Reading 165 Part 3 Introduction: The Making of Magical Moments 167 7 Analysis and Action: Mind the Journey 171 Administering Assessment Collecting Data From Assessment to Analysis From Analysis to Action Conclusion: The Path Forward 8 Guided Reading Planning: Move Beyond the Map 189 Structuring a Guided Reading Lesson Prework: Selecting a Text to Match the Data Guided Reading Lesson Planning--A Sample Before Reading During Reading After Reading Conclusion:When You've Set the Course 9 Guided Reading Execution: Stay on Course 217 Before Reading During and After Reading: The Power of Prompting The Prompting Guides from 0 to 1000 Conclusion: A Path for Every Student 10 Independent Reading: Don't Wait for a Hero's Quest 243 Choose and Organize Texts for Success Set Expectations for Independence Insist on Intellectual Accountability Conclusion: Love Matters PART 4 Lead by Habit 261 Part 4 Introduction: Script the Change You Need 263 11 The Schedule: Getting It All on the Table 265 The Scheduling Process: An Overview How Much Time Can You Make for Reading? How Should You Spend Reading Time? Building the Schedule: One Teacher, Two Hours Three Variations to the Schedule Conclusion: All in Good Time 12 Coaching Teachers: A Guide for School Leaders and Coaches 287 The Growth Mind-Set Lead Professional Development Observe Regularly Drive It with Data Identify the Key Action Steps Give Effective Feedback Coach Planning Your Next Steps Conclusion:Why It Matters PART 5 Professional Development WorkshopsOverview and Highlights 309 Part 5 Introduction: Workshops Included with This Book 311 13 Habits of the Classroom Workshop 313 14 Habits of Discussion Workshop 317 15 ReadAloud Workshop 321 16 Comprehension Skills Workshop 325 17 Guided Reading Planning Workshop 329 18 Guided Reading Prompting Workshop 335 Appendix: Tools and Resources 339 Great Habits, Great Readers Discussion Guide 429 Notes 439 Index 446 How to Use the DVD 457